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Abram Chernov
Abram Chernov

Surrendering To My Crush [v1.03] [APK] REPACK

说明:Just imagine that you have to live so close to your crush, she's just next door to you and how to keep your emotions inside you? But Aiko, your crush, also like your shyness and the way you treat her, but does all your kinky fantasies match? Find out by having some fun with her and other characters.More: Renpy BugsVersion: Updated: 2023-03-03, Posted: 2022-11-28. Request for an Update!

Surrendering to My Crush [v1.03] [APK]

Surrendering to My Crush game - A twenty-something moves into the same apartment building as his longtime crush, Aiko. Because of his shy and gentle nature, he never expressed his feelings for Aiko, but she discovers it almost by accid...

Android 18 and Krillin's relationship began as a mutual yet unspoken attraction despite their meeting as enemies in battle, as she spared his life and gave him a kiss on the cheek. It is unknown if Krillin had feelings before this kiss or if he developed a crush on her from that point on. Afterward, by the time he could have shut her down with Bulma's remote-control device, Krillin's feelings had already progressed to the point that he chose instead to smash the controller and warn her of Cell's approach despite the danger this presented to the world. Just before her absorption, 18, after hearing Krillin being knocked away by Cell, attacked Cell in a fury and denounced the latter as a monster, despite being rendered temporarily blind earlier due to Cell's use of Solar Flare. Following the battle with Cell, Krillin used the Dragon Balls to remove the bombs implanted in 18 and 17 in a selfless act he believed would allow them to live happily together. 18 angrily corrected him on the fact that 17 is her brother, not her boyfriend, before leaving, flattered by Krillin's feelings.

When Dr. Gero arrives at his laboratory (after he and Android 19 fail to combat the Dragon Team, with 19 getting destroyed by Vegeta), he activates Android 17 and Android 18. Initially, 17 and 18 feigned obedience to the doctor because he carried an emergency Shut Down Remote as a fail-safe against them. Soon after, the Z Fighters arrive and attempt to break into the laboratory. This momentarily distracts Gero, and 17 steals the remote from him. Much to Gero's horror, 17 crushes the remote and tells Gero that he will not put them to sleep again. Suddenly, Vegeta blasts the door down and the androids are surrounded by the Z Fighters. Dr. Gero tells Android 18 and Android 17 to kill the Z Fighters, mentioning that they destroyed Android 19 and almost killed him. Android 17 asks if 19 was an energy absorption model and the one who converted him into android, and Gero replies that he was. Android 18 asks if Gero went back to the old energy absorption model on a more recent android because infinite energy models like she and Android 17 were too powerful to control. Dr. Gero tells them that it does not matter now, and orders the pair to kill the Z Fighters, but 17 says that they will fight when they want. Gero is even more upset when Android 18 begins inspecting a chamber labeled "16". Android 18 notices that 16 is also an infinite energy model and asks how the android inside is different from them, but Gero tells her to get away from 16's chamber. Android 17 and Android 18 want to activate him but Dr. Gero refuses. Android 17 impales Gero's chest, decapitates him and squashes his head, when he severely scolds 18. Android 17 again tells Android 18 to activate Android 16, but a desperate Future Trunks says that he will not let there be any more androids and transforms into a Super Saiyan before firing a Buster Cannon into the lab. When the smoke clears, Gero's lab is destroyed. However, Vegeta tells Future Trunks that the blast was pointless, as Android 17, Android 18, and the chamber containing Android 16 have survived.

Instead of fleeing, 18 and 16 watch the battle between Cell and Vegeta and soon, Krillin finds their location on the island. Noticing that Vegeta, Trunks, and Cell haven't noticed the androids, he realizes this is his chance to shut 18 down. He then remembers Bulma's warning that he has to be within ten meters of the android's location for it to work, and he descends, hoping to shut 18 down without them noticing. Android 18 believes that Vegeta might have only pretended to be weak when they fought previously, but Android 16 states he'd have no reason to do that, and that something changed in the last few days. Krillin, meanwhile, is getting closer, and finally gets within the 10-meter range. However, after seeing Android 18, Krillin struggles to make himself push the button. Ultimately, Krillin gives into his feelings of infatuation for 18 and drops the Shut Down Remote, which causes 18 and 16 to notice his presence. Android 18 reacts with shock, seeing the dropped remote, and wonders how Krillin could have gotten his hands on it, considering Android 17 crushed the one Dr. Gero had. Krillin apologizes to Bulma for all the effort she put into the remote, but crushes it under his boot, despite the imminent danger of Cell absorbing 18, achieving completion, and spreading terror across the universe. Krillin orders 18 to leave the island before Cell finds her. Shocked and confused, 18 asks Krillin why he spared her, but he struggles to reply.

Later on, Perfect Cell becomes overpowered by Gohan (who has become a Super Saiyan 2) during the Cell Games, and regurgitates Android 18, forcing Cell to revert to his Semi-Perfect state. Krillin immediately comes to her side and tends to her for the duration of the battle and says he is glad to see her face one last time before making the final stand against Cell. After Super Perfect Cell is destroyed by Gohan, Android 18 is taken to The Lookout and she wakes up. While there, she figures out that Krillin has a crush on her when Gohan yells it to everyone. This leaves Android 18 surprised and slightly flattered but too proud to admit it. She leaves but, when seeing Shenron, she hides in the lookout to see what is going on. Krillin uses the Dragon Balls to make a wish to Shenron that Android 17 and Android 18 be restored their complete humanity, but when Shenron is unable to grant his request, Krillin takes the opportunity to wish for the self-destruct devices within Android 18 and Android 17 be removed. Revealing her presence in the process, she corrects Krillin about the relationship between herself and Android 17 as being familial instead of as lovers. Nonetheless feeling flattered, Android 18 then simply says "I'll see you later!" and leaves the lookout.

In an altered timeline of Age 767, Towa and Mira empower Imperfect Cell using Dark Magic making him stronger than Android 16 allowing him to defeat Piccolo and Android 16 before using the Solar Flare to blind Android 17 whom he knocks into Android 18 with his tail, before absorbing both twins while they are unconscious allowing him to bypass his Semi-Perfect form completely and transform directly into his Perfect form, which Future Trunks fears could potentially prevent the Cell Games from ever occurring, while Chronoa admits she is more worried that these changes may end up preventing Android 18 and Krillin from getting married and admonishes Trunks for being so dense when he questions if those changes would really have any effect (as Krillin only crushed the shut down remote and tried to protect her after Cell had absorbed her brother indicating that Chronoa's fears were well justified as had those things not occurred he and 18 might not have ended up together). Chronoa notes that while he may be terrible with romance stuff, Trunks is great at punching things, causing Trunks to ask her to drop the subject. 041b061a72


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